2013년 12월 12일 목요일

what i believe about art?

What I believe about art?  I have never thought of this prompt before, so it is very difficult but I will try my best to write it. To me, I personally believe that there is a lot of  beliefs about art. A lot of people in this world likes art and billions of billions of people do art.   Many people say that this progressive trend of art is harming its original form. More people are beginning to ignore the original types of arts like classical music. Not many people these days favor classical music over dub steps. It is important to treasure the original types of music. Art related is very important and it is one of the most frequent subjects in the world. Other subjects that are important is history, drama, PE, music, and math. I personally like art the most. However, if only the original types are favored, there will be no change in art. Art develops because it follows the trend. As time passes, the trend is going to change. Also, there are still people who love original types of arts.
Although classics are not my favorites, I was constantly exposed to them as I grew up. I played clarinet in band, and some of our songs in band were classical music.  Before, I just detested listening to them. Now, I can actually appreciate the beauty of it (although I don’t enjoy it as much as listening to fast tempo songs). Listening to classical music calms my mind and actually it really did help me focus more on whatever I am working on. Still, I favor fast tempo songs. Slow tempo songs tend to calm people and fast tempo songs tend to excite people.
Once, one of my favorite art teacher Ms. Nancy. She was really really good at art and I wanted to see her again. The reason why I wanted see her is because she left our school. I miss her so much.
However, if only the original types are favored, there will be no change in art. Art develops because it follows the trend. As time passes, the trend is going to change. Also, there are still people who love original types of arts. As long as it is completely ignored by the human society, it is going to exist in the world.
I truly do love art.
So that was my blog for today and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you so much for visiting my blogs and please do visit my next blogs. I know my blog was not really good today but I tried my best. It was pretty hard and difficult, probably because I have never done this kind of prompt before. I think experiencing the situation or reall really experienced is important. Once again, thank you very much for visiting my blog and please visit next time. Stay tuned. Thank you 

2013년 12월 11일 수요일

What I believe about? Meaning of life

I think this is one my favorite prompt to write. I think the meaning of life is doing what you like to do and accomplishing your given duties is the real meaning of life. Technically, no one really knows the meaning of life because it is such a universal word, that there are millions of answer to it. But, I think the true meaning of life is what each person think about it. Well go with my thought of meaning of life, since I am the one writing this. 
Every person is given like a destiny of their duties. The duties of we people is to grow up, get married and just live on. you live like a kid as a kid, and adult as an adult. When you get married, you are suppose to work. That is just like a given destiny or duty we have to do, in order to live. I think that is the basic meaning of life, doing the given things and enjoying your life as much as you can, whether with your friends or families. Other people might have a different view of the meaning of life but I think it this way. Which is totally fine because, like I mentioned in the earlier sentences, everyone thinks it differently. 
For example, in the future, after I graduate college, my next duty after that is to work. Of course. I think it as "Of course" because that is what everyone does. It is just already there for me. Like it is a given order we have to follow. While you work, that is how you get a girl and marry. What do you after you marry? You work even harder to get money for your own family now, since you have kids now too. Your duties in the future is already set up. It would basically look like this. So the meaning of life is just following your duties and to live happily and doing what you want is the real meaning of life.
Meaning of life is very simple. Each person has a different life. Although the meaning might be same. their life might be different. The major life difference is those who are married and not married. People who are married lives their regular life by working hard to get money for your kids and wife, but the life of a single man is different. It is probably mostly for the family of his and himself. Another difference is the different duties. Today, there are a lot of different jobs. For example, a life of a business person is different form that of a soccer player. There is a big difference. 
Therefore, the meaning of life is very simple and should not be thinked hard. Everyone thinks it differently and there are a lot of differ possible answers, 
That was my blog for today and thank you very much for visiting my blog. Stay tuned for my next blogs and thank you very much. Thank YOU!!

What i believe about? Justice

I have never though about this prompt, so this is a little bit hard for me to write. But, I will explain exactly what I think about it. Today's prompt is about what I believe about justice. Like I said in the beggining sentence, it is a little bit challenging but  will be trying my best to write. 
According to the web, the definition of justice is just behavior or treatment. 
several synonyms: Justness, fair play, fair mindedness, equity, evenhandedness, impartiality, objectivity, neutrality and honesty. It is very similar to what I think about justice. To me, justice sounds like it means equality or the mind that each person has. People have different minds and thoughts. And what I think is not always right, because people think differently and we apply it to different things. Just like we have different taste buds or tasting, peoples minds are different. For example, if I go to a restaraunt with my brother, he would think one particular dish is good while I think every thing is good. This is how each persons tasting buds are different, just like the minds of each person.
Another example of difference is Democrats and Republicans are different. Both of them have different minds and different thoughts. Democracy think several ideas are right to do while republicans think the other things are right to do. They are always the opposite. Therefore, there thoughts are different. Also, For both groups, they think that what they think about it is always right. Which is acceptable but they should note that evyones minds are different and they should be able to understand the other side why they think like that. Because not everyone is the same. So, this is how we have problems, fights, and great tensions between the two. 
Now, this concept does not only apply to the political related stuffs but to ther things too. A great example of this is that, I usually fight with my younger brother a lot. Like a LOT!!!!!! I do not like to fight with my brother but he always think he is right. He might be right, I mean noone knows if his right because everyone has their own minds. So we always argue and fight everyday. If we can understand each other, like I mentioned in the earlier paragraph, we would have no problems and we wouldnt be fighting, but we just cant understand each other. This is why justice is very important. Just like truthfulness, Justice is really really important too. I currently lack justice and I need it right now, to become a better person to everybody, especially to my brother. I personally respect justice and I want to master it. I would be trying my best to gain more justice and I would learn more. The only way learn more is to keep experiencing like what me and my brother is doing. You actually learn that way, and if you think deeply, you will get or learn the real meaning. 
So that was my blog for today and thank you very much for visiting my blog today. Although it was pretty challenging, I tried my best to write it and hope you guys enjoyed it. Please visit my next blogs and stay tuned. My next blog prompt wil be what is the meaning of life. It will be a fun one. So please visit and thank you very much once again. Thanl you!!!

What I believe about? Truth

Todays prompt is going to be about what i think about truth. I personally think that truth is the most important trait or a characteristic a person should have. A person without truth to me is not really a good person. A person without truth means that he or she are not trusted among friends, family members, and etc. A true friend has the truth with each other, but if he or she does not, that person is highly likely that his friends would not trust him. It is basically like a give and take concept. Also, when a person is making a new relationship, he or she must be truthful to be in good relationship. You should be showing your truthfulness and good personality to get closer. I think the only way to get trust from other people is to just be truthful and not lie. That way, people know you are truthful, and they tell you secrets.
For example, i have a friend in my class who tend to lie a lot. He is known for just lying. Alot of people knows he is not truthful, basically because he lies alot. And there is another friend of mine who does not lie and is truthful. That way, my classmates and I can already tell who lies alot and who is truthful. This is why showing your good image to your friends is important. You have to be truthful, otherwise, you would be categorized by your friends as the lyer, like my friend mentioned in the example.
Truth can apply in your future too. For example, lets say you got a job. But your owner does not like you because you are not trustful and eventually fires you. You would be so sad to experience those kind of harsh situations. The reason you think is only because you re not trustful, but if you think more clearly, being trustful is big deal that applies to your work. Of course, you are going to be in bad shape if the owner thinks you are not trustful. Therefore, an image of a person with a trustfulness is very very important. It does not only apply to your job but it also applies to your friendship later on. You dont only make friends in school when you were a student. You also make friends in the future even if you are adults, and having friends is very important. You would be so sad if you cant make friends later on when you grow up just because you dont have a good personality and that you are not trustful. Threfore, being trustful is very important.
Lastly, we should also be trustful with our family members. The people you have to trust mostly is your family members. Of course, because they are your family. You have to able to share that love with trustfuness. You cant be lying to your mom or dad. Families should be the number one group to be able to trust most. That way, they can help you out when you are having problems and just sharing the talk with each other.
That was my blog for today, and thank you very much for visiting my blog. I'll be back with better blogs. Thank you very much and see you guys soon. Thank you.

How to connect with others?

         I personally think that connecting with others is very important. Without connecting, it would be like you are the only one living on this planet. In order to stay social and friendly, the only way to achieve that is to connect with each other. First of all, I would like to emphasize that connecting with each other is the most important thing currently in this world. Nothing could be figured out or solved without connection. There are lots of different kinds of connections. There are connections where you can talk, there are connections where people show by actions, there are connections with feelings, and lastly with hand gestures, like sign languages. Those are all kinds of different ways to work. All of these ways work. That way, people can connect with each other and help each other out.
         I think the number one way of connecting with others these days is by social related, like the internet. Most of the people, especially students use the internet to connect with each other. Today, there are a lot of social chats on internet that are very popular. Chats like Kakao talk, facebook, twitter, and etc. Out of all these, facebook was picked the number one. Billions of people use facebook. It is a worldly thing which everyone uses. Facebook is mostly used by students. A lot of people, like students connect with each other with facebook, or other social chats. Students are able to make friends online and connect with other new people. This is a good thing. Students can help each other in facebook.
         The second part of connecting with each other is the hand gestures, like hand signals. Today, there are a lot of people who has the handicap of not being able to speak. Even for those who are not able to speak, there is always a way for them to be able to connect with other people. They are able to connect and communicate by hand signals. And signals are very useful for them. Another good way, instead of hand signaling is to get hearing aids. These days, things got a lot modernly advanced and technological, therefore, there should be better hearing aids upgraded with better quality.
         Another great way to connect with others is by showing actions. About actions, the number one topic that is highly used in todays world is love, especially for couples. For example, when a boyfriends wants to show the girlfriend that he loves her, he can show the connection by action. Actions like kissing, holding hands or hugging. Action is enough to be connected, even without talking. This way is mostly used by teenage couples. However, it is also used for grown up adults.

         That was my blog for today. I hope all you guys enjoyed it and please stay tuned for more fun prompts. I will be back next time and see you guys. Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I appreciate it. Thank you!!