2013년 12월 11일 수요일

What I believe about? Meaning of life

I think this is one my favorite prompt to write. I think the meaning of life is doing what you like to do and accomplishing your given duties is the real meaning of life. Technically, no one really knows the meaning of life because it is such a universal word, that there are millions of answer to it. But, I think the true meaning of life is what each person think about it. Well go with my thought of meaning of life, since I am the one writing this. 
Every person is given like a destiny of their duties. The duties of we people is to grow up, get married and just live on. you live like a kid as a kid, and adult as an adult. When you get married, you are suppose to work. That is just like a given destiny or duty we have to do, in order to live. I think that is the basic meaning of life, doing the given things and enjoying your life as much as you can, whether with your friends or families. Other people might have a different view of the meaning of life but I think it this way. Which is totally fine because, like I mentioned in the earlier sentences, everyone thinks it differently. 
For example, in the future, after I graduate college, my next duty after that is to work. Of course. I think it as "Of course" because that is what everyone does. It is just already there for me. Like it is a given order we have to follow. While you work, that is how you get a girl and marry. What do you after you marry? You work even harder to get money for your own family now, since you have kids now too. Your duties in the future is already set up. It would basically look like this. So the meaning of life is just following your duties and to live happily and doing what you want is the real meaning of life.
Meaning of life is very simple. Each person has a different life. Although the meaning might be same. their life might be different. The major life difference is those who are married and not married. People who are married lives their regular life by working hard to get money for your kids and wife, but the life of a single man is different. It is probably mostly for the family of his and himself. Another difference is the different duties. Today, there are a lot of different jobs. For example, a life of a business person is different form that of a soccer player. There is a big difference. 
Therefore, the meaning of life is very simple and should not be thinked hard. Everyone thinks it differently and there are a lot of differ possible answers, 
That was my blog for today and thank you very much for visiting my blog. Stay tuned for my next blogs and thank you very much. Thank YOU!!

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