2013년 10월 5일 토요일

Define Beauty

What I think about the definition of beauty is the talent and the physical mask each person has. There is no determination of ugly or pretty. Everyone has their own beauty of themselves. Like I said, people who think they are beautiful should not think that some people are beautiful and some people are not, because everyone has their own beauty. What I do not like about the world today is that there is like a separation between ugly and pretty, especially in places like schools, works, sports, etc. Society has went towards the bad side, where t they separate people for their mask, whether pretty or ugly. I do not like this kind of separation because everyone has their beauty. Even for those who get teased for their physical mask should just ignore those people who tease and should think positively and stand up for the own mask they have. What i mean by mask is the face each person has.
Beauty is not just the physical part of the concept. Beauty can also be determined by one's personality and heart. Your courage, determination and passion could define your beauty. Like I had said in the earlier paragraph, each person has their own beauty. There are a lot of different kinds of beauty in this world, due to many different traits, personalities, passion and courage each person has and there are a lot of people in this world.
What I personally think about beauty is that it could be part of a love too. Love is created by two beautiful people with their beautiful traits, beautiful passion, and beautiful courage. The one love represents all the total beauty of the couples. A guy beauty and a lady woman's beauty comes together to make love, which is the reason why they love each other and like each other. Both of them fell in love with each other's beauty. everyone has the sense of beauty. When I look at all the people in my junior class, I see every different kinds of people with their own beauty. Now, the beauty I am talking about is not the physical beauty, like body shape or face. It is the lovely fine character of each and one of them. Some are funny, handsome pretty, and cute. The different kinds of beauty of each and one of my classmates make a beautiful Junior class a colorful and a beautiful class. Everyone has a sense of beauty, and some show it more than others. No one should not think that they are not beautiful because beauty is not just your face or a body shape. Beauty is your character~
That was my main point for this blog, and I think this is one of the most important theme or point for me because I find this very important since there are a lot of problems going on in this world currently dealing with beauty or love. That was my blog for today and stay tuned for my next blog. Thank you very much and see you next time.

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