2013년 8월 20일 화요일


I believe that love is the most important thing in the whole world. Without love, the world we are living in today would be different or would not even have existed. Love makes up the whole social life of everyone. That is how people get families and that is how people live happily. Everyone in this universe knows how to love and wants love. In love, there are a lot of meanings in it. It could be the love of friends and friendship. True friendship means that you always watch their backs and stick up for you. Love can also mean the love of your parents. People could argue with people with their families, but the main reason why they argue and have problems with each other is because they love each other. They learn and appreciate each other through love. Love basically means true feelings or emotions for someone. Love can make you happy, sad, make you feel pain, and it can make you heal. It is just part of the life. Human are made to love. So, that was just a basic explanation of the love i know about. Lets get in to the main topic.
My favorite metaphor is "Love is an adventure." What i think this mea
ns is that love can be a fun adventure by experiencing love with different kin

ds of people. You might have experienced a bad love and a good love. But it is all okay because you learn through this love adventure by knowing what you hate and like and knowing that everyone has their own personality and that they could think other people are wrong too. So, basically the adventure of love is like a vacation where you go with love or to love. In that adventure, you experience the kind of love you want and if you are planning to find someone who could marry you, this adventure could help you find who could be your future wife and husband. For some people, this adventure could determine your future. What i think about this adventure is that, this is not a once in a lifetime chance. This adventure could occur any time to you until you die. For those who have already married, the love adventure could be a adventure to them too because they learn new things about each other, whether facts or anything could be an adventure you experience. 
Love also can sometimes fall in to the negative side, for example like, fights between the couples. This is a another example of an adventure where you could learn through what you did wrong and get along together with each other. That is how you get closer and attain more love. Fighting with your wife or husband is sometimes useful. You could learn through what you did wrong and fix that and never make it happen. That is how the love strengthens. Love is the medicine to your pain and it is how you heal and just let go all your worries and always think positive. This is how the stress goes away from people.
Love is having someone to rely on at hard times. Your wife, for example could help you out when you are having a hard time. It does not only have to be your life, like i mentioned
in the first paragraph, your friends could help you out, your teachers or anyone you know, but most importantly, your family is the key to yourself. There is nothing more important than your family. They are the ones who made you what you are currently. You should be thankful and appreciate the love they gave you, and now it is your turn to pass the love to others.

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