2013년 9월 30일 월요일

TV or Telephone?

I personally think the TV would have a bigger effect on you because it really grabs a persons attention. Cell phones could also have an effect but i think it less than the TV. Cell phones can attract people for like messaging, videos, music, and other social programs. like FACEBOOK!! So I think TV and cellphones both can effect a person. But, there is a reason why i chose TV. This is one of the examples that happened to me. For example, when I got my first phone, i was very excited to use it and to show off my new phone. The problem was that i have been using it too much on my first day that i eventually got tiered of it the next day. It just did not felt like I got a new phone the next day. After i got tiered of my phone, i tend to watch a lot of TV. I realized that you never get tiered of TV, especially when your favorite show or a drama or a movie is out. You keep your whole attention on the screen and just fall into it. This is when i realized that TV has a greater effect than cellphones. I got tiered of my cell phone but not my TV.
One great example that TV really effected me was when I was  totally late for my soccer practice. One day, I came back from school and i just turned on the TV to watch my favorite drama, walking dead. My soccer was at 4:30 and I was suppose to only watch until 4:00. Also, the TV usually plays only one episode but at that time, it showed two consecutive episodes and when i finished the two episodes, it was 4:45. I was totally screwed. I totally fell into the drama and my whole attention was to the drama so I just totally forgot about the schedule and forgot to look at the time.
Another example of when the TV effected me was when I kept saying the same phrase from TV. Once when i was watching jersey shore, one of the guy said "Burgers for the boys." I found this very funny. After the episode finished, I kept saying "Burgers for the boys." I could not stop saying it. It just kept popping in my mind. Also, when my family was eating dinner, i kept saying the same sentence again and again. I literally said it almost every minute and even my mother told me i am a TV addict. This is when i seriously felt that TV can really effect people and I am glad that I can talk about this in this blog. It seriously continued for one month. It was a serious problem. I said it in school, house, soccer games, and tutors. The most funniest thing was that I even said it in the shower.
Those were several examples that i showed how TV can effect more than a cellphone. The main point i mentioned was that cellphones get tired by people but TV gets less tiring. I think that i was not that of a serious problem but if that was a real TV addict, that person could be really seriously effected and when i lasted that problem for a month, that person might have continued for like a year.
So that was my blog for today, and stay tuned for my next blog. Thank you.

Define success

If I were to define success, I would say that success is an accomplishment of an aim or purpose. What I think of success is not like a big achievement. I think that succeed can refer to anything that we achieve. Whether the goal is small or big, as long as you achieve it, I think it is considered a succeed. I personally have a lot of achievements done so I always have a positive thinking in my head that I am successful. If I think positively, things just get better. You feel good. I will now state several examples of my achievements:
For example, when I graduated as freshmen and when I went up to tenth grade, things got a lot harder and difficult. Especially our AR class, which is a class where we read books and take tests relating to the book through a program. Each books have different points you could earn according to their level and the length. When I was a freshmen, I only needed about 20 points. As I went up to tenth grade, things got a lot challenging. I needed at least 60 points to pass. It is easy for some other people to get 60 points because they read a lot of books and they enjoy it. I personally don’t really like reading books so I have a hard time with it. Also, the other people that’s good at reading have a high reading level and they would mostly understand very quickly so they can read a book quickly. For me, I am a slow reader and it takes a while for me to finish one book. Another reason why I cannot finish a book fast is because I have other big loads of work I have to do, since I was a sophomore. I literally had tests every week and homework every day. The hardest class AP US history class, well of course, because it is a college level course. So, my goal for the freshmen year was to actually read a lot and get my 60 points because I was very worried about not getting my points and therefore resulting in a bad GPA. So I actually read a lot during freshmen year and actually got up to more than 60 points. Since I have achieved my own little goal, I can determine it as a success.  
         Another example of an achievement is when I couldn't score a goal for soccer in one of the season. I wanted to score at least 6 goals at that season but it turned out bad. I ended up with zero goals. So, i worked hard before the next season started. I ran and practiced nearly everyday. I actually started improving after I practiced a lot. The next season, i ended up with 10 goals. I scored more than i had expected and i was very happy to achieve my goal. I can call this succeed because i had achieved my goal. This was one of my greatest achievements and i am looking for a greater success by scoring more goals and putting up my goal up a higher and harder. This way, you can get a better success. 

2013년 9월 22일 일요일

My bucket lists

     I personally believe that everyone has their own bucket lists and that it is very important. I have a lot of bucket lists. A definition of a bucket list is a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.  I have a long list of bucket lists and now i am going to list them one by one and why i would like to explain why it is one of my bucket lists.
My first bucket list i am going to talk about is traveling. First of all, i really really love to travel around during the summer or breaks. I get to visit other parts of the world and learn about their culture. I just love traveling. I have been to a lot of places but i want to go to more other countries. The only continents i have not been  to are Australia, Antarctica, and Africa. I have been to South America this year 2013, for the destino peru trip. This was one of my best experiencing in traveling and a life changing trip. I got to meet other people and different kinds of food and animals. I also got to visit worlds best places to go like machu pichu. Peru is a great country. My bucket list for traveling is to visit most of the countries in the world and travel everywhere. This is my number one bucket list to be achieved. Even though i have been to a lot of places, i still want to go more since there are tons of countries around the world. Next year, my family are planning to go to Spain, Barcelona and i am very excited. I have only seen this country through movies and it was so beautiful. I have always wanted to go to this country. So that was my first bucket list. 
The second bucket list i am going to talk about is through sports. I personally love soccer. I love to play soccer and i love to watch soccer. Even though i had loved soccer for almost 12 years, i have not met a soccer player or watched a soccer game. My bucket list for this one is watching a real actual professional game. I want to meet all those good and famous players. I want to watch how they play and watch to compare how it is different from regular people. Watching a real pro soccer game is one of my wish to be accomplished. I love soccer. Even though i still couldnt watch those pro players play, i survived by watching soccer through TV or internet. It is still fun to watch through TV but i think it will be a lot different from watching through TV than watching the game real life. I think watching the game in real life would be way more exciting and fun. I really want to accomplish this bucket list.

My last bucket list i am going to talk about is flying a plane. These days, i fell in love with flying a plane. Of course, i never tried flying a plane. But, recently, i realized that flying a plane is cool and being a pilot is cool and awesome. I havent thought about that flying a plane is cool but recently after watching a pilot movie, i had changed my mind about flying a plane. I found out that it was a cool thing and if i had that chance to in the future, i would always want to try it out. Those three are my  bucket lists and get ready for my next blog!! 

2013년 9월 16일 월요일

If i were to have one super power, what would it be?

If I were to have one super power, I wish I could have the teleporting power. Like the power where I can transport to anywhere quickly. For example, I wish I could go to any country in 3 seconds. I would choose this super power as my favorite.
         First, I personally like traveling a lot. Even though I have traveled a lot with my family, I want to go to more other places. Places where I have not been to and I want to learn about their culture and other things interesting. It is not easy to travel around anywhere and anytime you want. First of all, it is very expensive, and secondly, you have to travel with your family or someone (Not alone) and lastly you have to be in a school break, otherwise you would have to skip school and have a lot of missing work to do. Traveling should be done not by yourself because that would be boring. You have to travel with someone or a lot of people. That would be fun. Like I said earlier, it is not that easy to travel anywhere at any time.  Your parents cant always use money on traveling because that would cost a lot. To avoid this, this is why I chose this super power. For example, if I wanted to go to Turkey, I could use my power to go there right away and tour Turkey. My life would be perfect that way. I could be the first person to go to every country and every city in the whole world. That would be a lot of fun.
         Second reason why I chose this super power is it helps me recover my emergency problems. For example, when I woke up late, and I am late for my soccer game, I can use my super power to arrive to my soccer game fast so I would not have to drive and be late. My life would be so comfortable if I had this super power. I would have no worries. Another emergency situation would be for example, I have a car crash and if my car fell down in the ocean, then I could use my super power to come out of that situation and move to somewhere safe without risking my life to death. This is type of a major situation where I really need my super power without risking my life to death. I personally think that this super power is the best in the world. There would be nothing better than this super power. I could go anywhere where I want to go with this super power and do anything. Almost nothing is impossible with this super power.

         Another situation would be for example if I am in a soccer game, and if the opponents striker passes our goalkeeper, then I would teleport to in front of our goal to block the opponents shot. This would be good because then I could save our teams goal and the opponents can never score. Our team would always win. Another way I can make my team win is this time, instead of going to the goal, I could go to the opponents goals and teleport behind there keeper when he has the ball and just steal the ball and I could score easily. 

Should SIS allow students to use the cell phones during school day or not?

           I personally think SIS should allow students to use cellphones during school. First of all, I would like to emphasize the importance of cell phones. Cell phones can help you in anything. Cell phones are always there in case of emergency. There are a lot of kinds of emergency. I am going to explain about a lot of emergency situations since the main reason is emergency.
         For cellphone use, there are two kinds of emergency. The first emergency is the really urgent emergency. For example, when one of your family members pass away, you have to get that call from your parents to notify you or if your family member who passed away is in another country, you have to get that call as soon as possible. So cellphones should be always turned on for students to get that call. This kind of emergency is the most urgent and the most important type of emergency.
         The second type of emergency I am going to talk about is the emergency a little bit below the major emergency. What I am saying is that this type of emergency is still important but a little bit lower than the major emergency, like the example I showed in the above paragraph. An example for this kind of emergency is for example, when I leave a homework in home, I can always use my phone to call my parents to bring it to school again. I described this situation as a little bit lower emergency because the worst thing you could get is an F. I am not saying that getting an F is not important but it is still less important than the example I mentioned in the above paragraph.
         Another example of a lower emergency is if I leave like a volleyball, soccer, or a basketball uniform for a game afterschool, I can call my mom or dad to bring it to school so I wouldn’t have to be late for my game afterschool. This would be good because then I do not have to go to my house again, I can go straight to the game with no problems. These are several reasons why students should use cellphones in school.

         Another reason why a school should allow students to use cellphones is entertainment. Students should have fun. I am not saying that students should use cellphones during classes, I am saying at least during breaks and lunch time. Because that why students will have fun in school. Currently, I personally think SIS is not a free school. I believe it is a strict school. We cannot even use our phones during breaks or cannot even be seen to a teacher. Students should have at least some fun with their friends during lunch time and break time. They could talk about a new app or show each other some entertaining stuffs to each other through a cellphone. In that way, I think students can notice that they should play and have fun during breaks and study during their classes and lecture times. Another important things is that this can improve friendship for some people and improve their social skills. Improving social skills are very important, especially in school. This friendship can avid bullying and teasing. So I had stated several reasons why SIS should allow students to use phones and be ready to check out my next blog. See you.   

2013년 9월 8일 일요일

I think the three things that will make my life perfect are my family, money, and friends. I believe that those three things are my most important and will make my life perfect. First, I would like to talk about my family. Out of those three things, I would say my family is the most important and would make my life perfect. Nothing is better than your family members. You should always thank your family members of what you have. Your life wouldn’t be perfect without your family members. Anytime when you are in trouble or if you are sad, the only person or people you can depend on and ask help are your family members. They are always a big help for you and gives you a good advice. Also, the only person or people you can trust are your family members. They support you at anytime and anywhere. They will always give you a big support. Family members like brother or a sister can also give you a lot of fun and make your life perfect. Sometimes when you are not playing with your friends and you are in home just being bored, your brother or a sister can always be there to play with you. Some people think that playing with friends and family is different. I believe it is not different because it’s just the same fun you are enjoying. The only difference is the people. Family is your family and friends are your friends.
         The second thing I am going to talk about is money. With money you can do anything. Without money, you cannot do anything. We can say that this whole world is all about money. With money, you can buy anything, whether food, clothes, etc. Money can make your life perfect because you can buy anything you want with it. With money, you can basically do anything. Money can also help you in your emergency times. For example, when you are very hungry and you cant go in your house, you can always go anywhere with your money to buy food and for transportation also. So if you want anything, you can always use your money to buy anything what you want. Also, another good thing about money is sometimes when your parents would not allow you to buy something, you can always use your money to buy anything secretly.

         The last thing that will make my life perfect are your friends. Your friends is right beneath your family, but they are still very important. Like I said in the first paragraph, you can always ask your family members for help and advice. Your friends comes after your family. So if your family cannot help you, your friends comes next in line. Also, your friends are best in the entertaining part. They give you a lot of fun. For this one, your friends are better than your family. They can joke around with you and always play around with. This is always true when one becomes a teenager and becomes independent with their family and becomes more dependent on their friends. At this part of the age, the only they think about is leaving away from their family and play with friends. This is just a normal type of living for teenagers. Friends are the best for them. They would of course think that friends are way better than family members.


2013년 9월 6일 금요일

Were people friendlier in the past than we are today?

           I think that people are friendlier today than the past. A lot of people say that people were friendlier in the past, but I personally do not think that way. A great example to show this is racism. In the past years or a long time ago, there were a great deal of racism and inequality of people. People were treating each other very badly and separating each other depending on one’s skin color. A long time ago, people thought whites were the dominant and the rich and thought blacks were in the bottom. So at that time, whites treated blacks unequally and blacks treated whites the same way. Everything was separated at that time. There were black restrooms, schools, shops, churches, houses, fields, and any other properties. Also the whites had their own white restrooms, schools, shops, churches, houses, fields and any other properties. It was only in use of the same skin color people so if a black person went into a white church or a school, he or she will get badly beaten and can possibly be jailed. It was just the way it is in the past. Also, since people that whites were the rich and dominant people, all the whites were in favor of the other whites. So if a group of white guys murdered a black girl, the just, who is a white would recover for the white guys and those white guys wouldn’t go to jail or would get executed. But if a black person killed a white person, the jury will probably convict the black person as a murderer and probably jail that person or execute that person.
         Because of racism, it was such a violent and a harsh time to live in the past. It was so violent that you would literally see people getting beat and sometimes even murders happen. People were so separated. People were just so unfriendly and bad.
         In the present time of today, there are less problems dealing with racism. Although the present time world is still violent and some people still has the racism mind, the world of racism became way better than in the past. Now there are no separation according to one’s skin color. So there are no black churches and schools and white churches and schools. Everyone goes together. And since the racism mind went away, everybody is friendly and nice to each other. They could be close through sports, schools, churches and mostly communication. Those different colors of people communicating and being close represents the color of a country of being friendly and nice. The reason why there are still little problems dealing with racism today is because those people still does not understand today’s world and just opposes with the world today. Those people are the bad people. They should be able to change and move on according to what century they are living in. They still think that they are in the past centuries. Those people would probably tease the blacks and treat them badly. They possibly can’t kill a black person but they can treat them unequally by teasing them and just having a bad mind. I personally think the world today became more firnedlier than the past and it became a better world today. Stay tuned for my next blog. Thank you. 

2013년 9월 1일 일요일


         I think that my most favorite superhero is Iron Man. The reason why I like Iron Man is first of all, it is very cool. Secondly, it is very strong. It can do all sorts of thing. It can go underwater, shoot laser, have other cool different kinds of weapons, it can fly, and finally the robot pieces can be broken into pieces for a while and then it can stick together automatically. It is so cool. I believe that it would be unstoppable it if went against other superheroes. Iron Man’s body is made up of massive strong steel so it wouldn’t be destroyed. It can be destroyed but it would take time and it is very hard to destroy it.

         Another thing that is cool about iron man is that its style of uniform. The color red and yellow fits the suit and the name Iron Man. The style of uniform is designed well so it is cool to see. Another thing that can be cool is that if a person is in the Iron Man suit, that person can talk to the suit. For example, while a person is in the suit, a girl voice would come out and it would start guiding where to go and alert you. The girl voice is the voice device in the suit that helps you out. So basically you could see Iron Man as a girl. You could talk about anything with her. She could guide you where to go, who is coming, and basically just everything. You can even watch TV there.
         Another thing that I found very cool was that its ability to fly in space. Most of the metal stuffs gets frozen when they go up to space, but even though Iron Man is made out of metal, it is designed to avoid being frozen out in space. So even if Iron Man goes out in space, it never gets frozen and it could be active. Iron Man is the best super hero. It could save a lot of people. For example, if a plane crash in a middle of flight, Iron Man could fly very fast and catch those people flying in the air and put them safely on the ground. Iron Man wouldn’t miss anyone because he is just so fast. Iron Man could even go back and forth to the ground and in the air catching those people in the air.
         My most favorite thing or the coolest thing about Iron Man is the suit’s ability. Like what the suit can do. For example, regular suits like spiderman would be very uncomfortable because the person always has to bring the suit with him to everywhere. But Iron Man is different. A person could be far away from the suit and the person could press a buton or something calling the suit. So the suit will fly to you and would just go on you like a magnet so you don’t have to take your clothes off. That way it is easier to avoid your identity from other people and the whole world. I think the suit can fly in unlimited distance. For example, if your suit is in Japan and you are in France, it can still fly to you over countries in time. It is that fast. It is very fast. Being Iron Man would be a very cool thing to do and it is the strongest and the best superhero in the world.