2013년 9월 6일 금요일

Were people friendlier in the past than we are today?

           I think that people are friendlier today than the past. A lot of people say that people were friendlier in the past, but I personally do not think that way. A great example to show this is racism. In the past years or a long time ago, there were a great deal of racism and inequality of people. People were treating each other very badly and separating each other depending on one’s skin color. A long time ago, people thought whites were the dominant and the rich and thought blacks were in the bottom. So at that time, whites treated blacks unequally and blacks treated whites the same way. Everything was separated at that time. There were black restrooms, schools, shops, churches, houses, fields, and any other properties. Also the whites had their own white restrooms, schools, shops, churches, houses, fields and any other properties. It was only in use of the same skin color people so if a black person went into a white church or a school, he or she will get badly beaten and can possibly be jailed. It was just the way it is in the past. Also, since people that whites were the rich and dominant people, all the whites were in favor of the other whites. So if a group of white guys murdered a black girl, the just, who is a white would recover for the white guys and those white guys wouldn’t go to jail or would get executed. But if a black person killed a white person, the jury will probably convict the black person as a murderer and probably jail that person or execute that person.
         Because of racism, it was such a violent and a harsh time to live in the past. It was so violent that you would literally see people getting beat and sometimes even murders happen. People were so separated. People were just so unfriendly and bad.
         In the present time of today, there are less problems dealing with racism. Although the present time world is still violent and some people still has the racism mind, the world of racism became way better than in the past. Now there are no separation according to one’s skin color. So there are no black churches and schools and white churches and schools. Everyone goes together. And since the racism mind went away, everybody is friendly and nice to each other. They could be close through sports, schools, churches and mostly communication. Those different colors of people communicating and being close represents the color of a country of being friendly and nice. The reason why there are still little problems dealing with racism today is because those people still does not understand today’s world and just opposes with the world today. Those people are the bad people. They should be able to change and move on according to what century they are living in. They still think that they are in the past centuries. Those people would probably tease the blacks and treat them badly. They possibly can’t kill a black person but they can treat them unequally by teasing them and just having a bad mind. I personally think the world today became more firnedlier than the past and it became a better world today. Stay tuned for my next blog. Thank you. 

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