2013년 9월 1일 일요일


         I think that my most favorite superhero is Iron Man. The reason why I like Iron Man is first of all, it is very cool. Secondly, it is very strong. It can do all sorts of thing. It can go underwater, shoot laser, have other cool different kinds of weapons, it can fly, and finally the robot pieces can be broken into pieces for a while and then it can stick together automatically. It is so cool. I believe that it would be unstoppable it if went against other superheroes. Iron Man’s body is made up of massive strong steel so it wouldn’t be destroyed. It can be destroyed but it would take time and it is very hard to destroy it.

         Another thing that is cool about iron man is that its style of uniform. The color red and yellow fits the suit and the name Iron Man. The style of uniform is designed well so it is cool to see. Another thing that can be cool is that if a person is in the Iron Man suit, that person can talk to the suit. For example, while a person is in the suit, a girl voice would come out and it would start guiding where to go and alert you. The girl voice is the voice device in the suit that helps you out. So basically you could see Iron Man as a girl. You could talk about anything with her. She could guide you where to go, who is coming, and basically just everything. You can even watch TV there.
         Another thing that I found very cool was that its ability to fly in space. Most of the metal stuffs gets frozen when they go up to space, but even though Iron Man is made out of metal, it is designed to avoid being frozen out in space. So even if Iron Man goes out in space, it never gets frozen and it could be active. Iron Man is the best super hero. It could save a lot of people. For example, if a plane crash in a middle of flight, Iron Man could fly very fast and catch those people flying in the air and put them safely on the ground. Iron Man wouldn’t miss anyone because he is just so fast. Iron Man could even go back and forth to the ground and in the air catching those people in the air.
         My most favorite thing or the coolest thing about Iron Man is the suit’s ability. Like what the suit can do. For example, regular suits like spiderman would be very uncomfortable because the person always has to bring the suit with him to everywhere. But Iron Man is different. A person could be far away from the suit and the person could press a buton or something calling the suit. So the suit will fly to you and would just go on you like a magnet so you don’t have to take your clothes off. That way it is easier to avoid your identity from other people and the whole world. I think the suit can fly in unlimited distance. For example, if your suit is in Japan and you are in France, it can still fly to you over countries in time. It is that fast. It is very fast. Being Iron Man would be a very cool thing to do and it is the strongest and the best superhero in the world.

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