2013년 11월 27일 수요일

Ten Quotes that you Live by?

Ten Quotes that you Live by?

First of all, I do have several quotes that I actually do live by. I think living by quotes is really good because you learn and learn and learn and you get better and better and better. I live on quotes said from famous people and some quotes that are just very famous, so hope you guys enjoy my quotes. Most of the quotes I live on by is about not giving up and keep trying. Also, to always think positively.

Impossible is Nothing. This quote is one of the main quote I follow on. I first pick a goal and always work for it. For example, my goal for this year is scoring a 2000 in my SAT score. I have to work hard and think positively by thinking impossible is nothing.
2)      Just Do it. This quote is about not giving up too. For example, when I am challenging my self to something hard or difficult, I have to just do it and try it and not giving up. Because there is no penalty for me to try it out. Always give it a shot and work harder the next time if you fail.
3)      Respect Fairplay. I tend to play a lot of sports, especially soccer. Soccer is a sport where Fairplay is seen a lot. It is all about respect. Therefor, you as a player should show manners and respect on and off the field. This is how I improve my personality and learn manners.
4)       “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goals.” I truly do love this quote. This quote is saying that give it a shot on your target and do not run away from your goal, because if you do, that is when the obstacle comes in.
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5)      Always be positive. This is one of my favorite quotes too. Anytime I have a soccer game, I always think to myself be positive. When our opponents are very strong, the only way to beat them is to step up and be positive.
6)      Prepare, Attack and Destroy. When I use to play tennis, I use to use this quote. To beat your opponent, this quote helps you be positive. You prepare for a shot then you attack and finish off the opponent by destroying he or she.
7)      “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” This means that people who failed can achieve grealy since they have experienced the bottom.
8)      Never Stop. This quote tells me to never stop and never give up on what I am doing. Always look forward.
9)      Be honest. This quote basically means that you have to be honest, especially to your family and friends.
10)  Never keep you family or friends back. This quote means that never leave someone behind you. Always help them out and always move as a team.

So that was my blog for today and see you guys next time. 

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