2013년 11월 5일 화요일

What are the three qualities of true friends?

What are the three qualities of true friends? Have you ever thought of this question? I have never thought of this question ever so I am very excited to write about today's prompt. I think the the three qualities of true friends are trustworthy, dependable, and unselfish. If you have a friend who meets the three of this qualities, that means he or she is your true best friend. I think those three qualities are the top three qualities to meet in order to identify your true best friend.
First, in order to be your true best friend, he or she must be trustworthy. There should be no secrets between you two. You should be talking to each other about anything, and helping out each other. You guys are like brothers and sisters, probably way more closer than that. You must be able to trust each other and tell each others secrets. You guys must help each other out when you are having hard times and give advice to each other. For example, if your friend fought with someone in school, you as a best friend should be able to calm he or she down and be able to make he or she to calm down.
Second, you should be dependable to your best friend. You should be able to trust him and give he or she anything. You should be able to trust him and depend on him for anything. For example, if you have something urgent to do, and you are unable to do it, you should always depend on your best friend and should be able to trust him with anything. It is like passing the responsibility to your friend. You have to be able to depend anything to your best friend and be able to maintain that friendship all the way.
Lastly, the last quality is Unselfishness. If your friends are selfish, that means they do not care about you and they are not your true best friends. Your true best friends are always willing to share with you and never turn your back. They always share anything they have and they are not greedy. Selfish people only thinks about themselves first. Your true friends who are not selfish would always think about others first and they are not greedy. They share everything with you. I think unselfishness is the second most important thing out of the three qualities. I think the first is trustworthy and last comes the dependability.
So that was the three qualities of a true best friend. There are a lot more qualities but for this blog, I had chosen only three and those three were my top three qualities.
That was my blog for today, and I hope you enjoyed it. Hope you thought today's prompt is a little bit interesting and thank you for visiting my blog. Stay tuned for my next blog and again, Thank you very much for visiting my blog. See you guys.

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